Once a young person moves into our service, a risk assessment and support plan will be developed. These documents will be updated quarterly or after any significant change in circumstances in the young person’s life. Our assessments are not just holistic but an ongoing process reviewing and responding to the needs of the young people.
We will support our young people in developing their skills in keeping safe, building their self esteem and making informed and positive choices. Our onsite 24-hour staffing and use of controlled access to the building for residents and visitors will ensure the safety of our young people.
We will ensure that appropriate visitor restrictions are implemented to safeguard our young people, this includes the use of photo identity cards, signing in and out of the home, no overnight visitors allowed, and refusal of under 16 visitors into the home.
We will expect all young people to have returned back to placement by their curfew time which will be agreed with the allocated social worker during the placement planning meeting. Permission to stay out overnight with friends or relatives must also be on the consent of the social worker.
Management will ensure that individual staff members and staff teams are fully familiar with the protocols of the relevant local Safeguarding Children Board and understand their professional responsibilities to safeguard the young people in our care.
Absence from our care is an important matter and we endeavour to be active in promoting the benefits of young people keeping to appropriate boundaries for their own personal safety.
Whenever young people are absent without the proper authority, they are considered to be at some level of risk of either criminal, sexual, physical exploitation or abuse by others, or to be a risk to others.
In a situation where consent has not been given, we will report the young person as missing to the police and work closely with both the police and out of hours emergency duty service to ensure every young person’s safety.
Young people will always be welcomed back on their return and we will ensure they are warm, have eaten and are physically well.